Entry 032

In case you need to hear this today:


Your loss was not your fault.

Your baby’s life matters.

You did nothing wrong.

Your loss wasn’t “too early” to count.

Your baby’s life is as important as everyone else’s.

You did not fail—not as a partner, not as a mother, and not as a woman.

You don’t have to believe everything happens for a reason.

Your pregnancy was real.

You and your baby are more than a statistic.

You have every right to feel anger and jealousy.

Your baby had the best life because of you.

You don’t deserve for this to be your story.

Your loss doesn’t define you.

You became a mother the moment you conceived.

You are courageous for carrying on.

You are worthy of a living child in your arms.

You are not alone.

You are a mom.

Emily Lindquist


Entry 033


Entry 031