Entry 033

My second baby would be two today. This is about his life.


I woke up before my husband and took a pregnancy test. I wanted nothing more than for that test to be positive so I could surprise my husband with the good news that day. It was his birthday. And there were too pink lines.


I called the doctor and we confirmed our pregnancy with bloodwork that morning. It was a workday, but keeping the news from my husband wasn’t easy. I was so excited and hopeful and knew our loss wasn’t going to repeat itself. 


After work and before we went out for birthday dinner with his family, I gave my husband a onesie with a rainbow on it. We were blissfully unaware that our time with that baby would last only a few more days. 


We had the least amount of time with our second baby. Every second was full of happiness and the belief that our rainbow would be in our arms soon. I wish so badly we had more time with our first little boy.

Emily Lindquist


Entry 034


Entry 032