Entry 030

My first baby would be 2 today. In honor of another year she should’ve been here, I want to tell you about her life.


The day my husband and I found out we were pregnant was the most exciting day of our lives. We were thrilled, anxious, and surprised by how quickly our little blessing came since we had only been trying for two months. We were filled with pure joy. Blog entry 025 tells you about that day—the day I would live over and over again if I could.


It was a Saturday that we learned of our sweet baby’s existence. Her dad and I spent the weekend and every moment after thinking about her and how fulfilled our lives were now. She gave us purpose we’d never had and didn’t know how badly we needed.


I had no fear with her. I thought nothing but happy things as we talked about when and how we’d tell our loved ones that they were aunties, uncles and grandparents, what style nursery we wanted for her, and what we would name her. Of all the things, choosing her name was the easiest part.


We never got to see our first baby, but we felt so whole knowing she was here. She was everything we needed for the six days we knew about her before she left us. She’s the baby who made us parents and her life meant so much. Every second of our time together was full of joy and love. We just wish it would’ve lasted much longer.

Emily Lindquist


Entry 031


Entry 029